This time, I got company from "" team ;) and some other friends, six people in total.
The idea was to do Gaura valley, or Morarul valley. But from the very sunny and hot plateau we were seeing and hearing a lot of powerful avalanches going down the mountain. So we've taught that Morarul will be for another time, due to the high exposure of the valley to the snow running streams. We've took a decision and turned back from the "Ceardac" and headed towards "Priponului" valley which looked much more safe at that moment.
It was the second time for me to do this valley, two years after I was caught in a small avalanches right there. For my friends it was the first time. The snow was quite wet, spring time type, quite a big layer, but in may places the rocks were in open air. The descent was too short altought 800m level difference, and then on "Cerbului" valley the bedrock steps were quite difficult to cross on skis or snowboards.
Here are the photos and keep visiting for more details.