Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Black Beauty !

Since last week I am riding a "wild beast" able to bring me on the tops of the Himalaya:

You will watch my dust now :))))

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ecoul Malinului 2008: full speed ahead !

Cele mai fierbintzi momente ale zile: sarituri, cazaturi, invingatori si accidente:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Ecoul Malinului 2008: the riders

Alb-ca-zapada, no. 1 ! ;)


Dana, organizatoarea (un sincer bravo!):




Sebi, zambeste mah ! :))


Mr. Zaharia:


Invingatorii dintre temerari, "Bravo si la mai mare !":

Keep riding !

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Botorog era un bosorog...

... iar floricelele de coltz erau toate tinere si zglobii ! De fapt visez, lucririle erau taman invers, cu vreo 2-3 exceptzii :((

Trecand peste scuze de genul ploua, ninge, e urat etc.. duminica a fost una din cele mai spectaculoase si reusite ture ale mele in Crai ! Si au fost muulteeee...

Mai rar viscol in luna Mai si apoi soare si un peisaj de vis ! Iar apoi satsfactia imensa a gasirii unui refugiu visat de atatea ori. Singurul regret a fost ca nu am avut Nikonul la mine, dar S80-ul si-a facut datoria.


Cred ca am auzit de el de vreo 15 ani... de data aceasta m-am hotarat sa il caut, pornind de la putinele informatzii pe care le aveam, si am reusit dupa ce am incercat sa ghicesc pe unde ar putea fi si apoi au urmat cautari acrobatice pe sub peretzi si grote :D ! Satisfactia este cu atat mai mare cand il descoperi prin fortele proprii. Este foarte bine intretinut, vreau sa ii felicit pe cei care au grija de el si sper sa raman asa inca mult timp !

Mai multe aici:

P.S.: nu va spun unde este, va las satisfactia sa il gasiti singuri ;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Easter: Balea, Fagaras

In the Easter eve day we went in Balea for some free ride ;) The snow was perfect above 1800m and the weather was very very sunny ! Two days before some impressive avalanches have conquered the Balea lake surroundings ! There were no traces above the lake, toward Capra, so we've decided to stay safe and sky in Doamnei valley. Please enjoy the pictures, because we've enjoyed our ride very much :D

May Day: Morarul valley, Bucegi

Finally on the 1st of May I've remained around Brasov, and we got nice weather in order to do a valley in Bucegi. This time it was Morarul, the traditional yearly descent. This time the snow on the plateau was frozen enough in order to advance at a fast peace towards Omul: in less than 2 hours we were there :)

The window of "Cabana Omul"

This is the main entrance in the "cabana", totally under snow ! In fact I was staying there around without noticing this hole in the snow until the cabana keeper suddenly rise up from the snow ! It was quite a surprise !

The first glacial circus have got a very nice snow to ride down ! Then the snow was to wet to enjoy...

A lot of mountain goats were enjoying the scenery :D

It was enough snow to arrive up to the marked hiking trail at the end of the valley.

A "leurda" field, a very healthy plant !