Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nepal: Nuptse

Nuptse is the mighty mountains, of 7861 m which hide behind it the Everest and Lhotse. Its inaccessible lines impose respect to all the mountaineers.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Padina: black&white !

Mai intai despre cabana Padina unde am petrecut o noapte: pretuzi incredibil de mici: mancare, bautura, cazare: 30 lei/persoana ! Conditziile de cazare sunt f. bune, cald in camera.
Partea neagra a lucrurilor: mancarea :(( Un singur fel de mancare, ciorba mult prea grasa, branza imposibil de sarata, ceaiul super dulce, ouale imbibate in ulei etc... de altfel dimineazta mie si lui Tibi ne-a fost rau de la mancarea geniala de la cabana... Sa nu mai spun ca sala de mese si vanzatoarea arata conservate din epoci de mult apuse... Vinul fiert in schimb era foarte bun ! e un loc ideal pt. cei care considera "bautaura temelie si mancarea fudulie"... se stiu ei ;)
Pt. mine locul ramane cu un gust amar, ce departe suntem de cabanele din Alpi sau din Himalaya... si doar muntzii sunt pe masura... dar la noi mai bine ocolesti cabanele... si doar omul sfinteste locul... dar la asa turisti avem asa cabane si asa cabanieri...

O tura de doua zile in Bucegi: am urcat cu cabina la Babele, apoi prin ceatza pana la intrarea in valea Sugarilor: unde zapada era superba dar era atata ceatza ca nici placa din picioare nu o vedeam. Am coborat pe skiuri pana la Padiana. In aceeasi zi am urcat in saua Strunga de unde ne-am dat la vale, am incercat o idee geniala de a cobora pe un valcel, era blocat de copacii cazutzi si de zapada de peste un metru de pe fundul vaii.... Cu greu am reusit sa ne extragem de acolo, mai ales Coman cu mana la care este inca accidentat.
A doua zii am urcat spre Valea Dorului, prin zapezi mari si foarte ude, o caldura teribila, dar si ceatza multa afara.
Am facut si 2 coborari pe Carp, cu zapada acceptabila, bine ca mai era...

Asa se atrag turistii in valea Dorului, el mai scump telescaun din lume, raportat la metrii urcatzi.

Iata si alte opinii despre tura:

Monday, January 28, 2008

Nepal: Pumo Ri

Next to Everest there is a mighty mountain, not as high as its neighbors but very imposing, very technical and very very dangerous, the avalanches are practically pouring down: it is Pumo Ri 7165m.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Farewell sir Edmund !

Today sir Edmund Hillary the conquerer of Everest had finished his last journey and took his place in history. Being on his footsteps it was evident to observe that he was like a father for the Sherpa people, it is just enough to see the schools and bridges build by his foundation.

"His loss to us is bigger and heavier than Mount Everest," Ang Rita Sherpa told the service in a small church in Auckland. "He is our true guardian and our second father, but he has left us behind today"

Below it's famous route on the south ridge of Mt. Everest, with the Hillary step in the middle:

Hats off sir Ed !

Monday, January 21, 2008

Expo foto Himalaya

Expozitia va dura 3 saptamani si contine pozele lui Mihai din tura pe care am facut-o impreuna, in toamna lui 2007 in Nepal. Miercuri, pe 23 Ianuarie vernisajul va fi insotit si de o videoproiectie.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hai la drum !

La invitatia lui Sergiu Voicu am participat la realizarea a doua emisiuni TV, prima cu tematica montana iar cea de-a doua despre fotografia turistica. Cele doua emisiuni sunt bogat ilustrate cu poze si filmuletze, din Carpati, Alpi si Himalaya, multe dintre ele in premiera.

Deci emisiunea se numeste "Hai la drum cu Sergiu Voicu" pe RTT Brasov, si este programata astfel:

1. Emisiunea cu tematica montana:

Vineri 18 Ianuarie 20.30
Sambata 19 Ianuarie 10.00
Martzi 22 Ianuarie 20.30

2. Emisiunea despre fotografia turistica:

Vineri 25 Ianuarie 20.30
Sambata 26 Ianuarie 10.00
Martzi 29 Ianuarie 20.30

Vizionare placuta ;)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Nepal: Ohhh brothers !

Our much older brothers, wandering freely in Kathmandu, and stealing the food from the people around :) But they are scared by our zoom lenses :D

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nepal street portraits

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Nepal: sherpa children

It is not the places you visit, but the people you meet, which makes a journey memorable !

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Predeal, there is forest ride !

It was a very foggy day around Brasov. I went to Predeal, hiking up Cocosul slope and I got a great view of the mountains from Clabucet. Then I have taken the forest way, with great, untouched snow ! You have also to walk a little in order to get down to the chair lift, but this small effort pays !

Azuga, Cazacul

The best snow I had in the last weeksŞ It was in Azuga, just before the new year ! Up to Cazacul, down on a valley, then up again on some ridge and then ride down in the unknown forest at night, absolute darkness, only the dim light of our headlamps, following the traces of Bubulu and his friends (which have taken this way about one hour before).
It was a super tour ! to do it asap. !

Postavarul: v. Seaca Riding with Santa Claus

Another valley on my Postavarul long list it was "v. Seaca a Postavarului" from the gondola upper station down to "Cheile Rasnoavei". It is a long valley, mostly flat, with some very steep and full of trees part towards its end. And then there was a long hike back in the night towards Poiana Brasov. NoteŞ to do it until the middle of the valley, it looks like an escape path from there.